03 December 2008

REL262 Intro to Christian Theology - Texts for Spr '09

Here are the 3 required texts:

Hanson, Bradley. Introduction to Christian Theology. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1997. ISBN: 0800629841

Jacobsen, Douglas G; Sawatsky, Rodney. Gracious Christianity: Living the Love We Profess. Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Academic, 2006. ISBN: 0801031397 (pbk.) 9780801031397 (pbk.)

McLaren, Brian D; Campolo, Anthony. Adventures in Missing the Point: How the Culture-Controlled Church Neutered the Gospel. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2006, 2003. ISBN: 0310267137 (pbk.) 9780310267133 (pbk.)

13 November 2008

REL280 History of Christianity - Texts for Spr '09 & Spr '11

Here are the 2 required texts:

Keen, Ralph. The Christian Tradition. Upper Saddle River (N.J.) : Prentice Hall, 2004. ISBN: 0130904619; 9780130904614 (NOTE: publication was transferred in July 2008 to Rowman & Littlefield. New ISBN: 0-7425-6089-9. Either edition of the text is acceptable since they are identical, with the exception that the Prentice Hall edition has color pictures, which of course, is more attractive.)

MacHaffie, Barbara J. Her Story: Women in Christian Tradition. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006, (2nd ed.). ISBN: 0800638263 (pbk : alk. paper) 9780800638269 (pbk : alk. paper)

30 July 2008

Fall '08 - CED214 Intro to Adolescent Culture and Ministry

Chbosky, Stephen, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 1999.

Mike King, Presence-centered Youth Ministry: Guiding Students into Spiritual Formation, 2006.

Walt Mueller, Engaging the Soul of Youth Culture: Bridging Teen Worldviews And Christian Truth, 2006.

Pete Ward, God at the Mall, 1997.

Fall '08 - REL382 Religion in America

3 required texts.

Albanese, Catherine,
America: Religions and Religion. 4th edition. 2007. (4th edition only!)

Balmer, Randall, Thy Kingdom Come: How the Religious Right Distorts the Faith and Threatens America, an Evangelical's Lament. New York, N.Y. : Basic Books, 2006.

Sweeny, Douglas. The American Evangelical Story: A History of the Movement. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2005

Fall '08 - CED450 / Topics in CE: Theology of Postmodern Ministry

Here are the 3 required texts as of August 5.

John Caputo, What Would Jesus Deconstruct?: The Good News of Postmodernism for the Church. 2007.

Chris Folmsbee, A New Kind of Youth Ministry. 2006

Pete Rollins,
The Fidelity of Betrayal: Towards a Church Beyond Belief. 2008.

Robert Webber,
Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World. 1999. We will read a couple chapters from this book at the beginning of the semester. It will be on reserve in the library so you don't need to buy it unless you want to.

29 April 2008

Fall '08 - REL110 Intro to Biblical Studies

Required Texts:
  • Hauer & Young, Introduction to the Bible: A Journey into Three Worlds, 7th edition. 2007. ISBN 0136155308;ISBN-13: 978-0136155300 (note Fall 2008 is the first time this edition will be used on campus. Don't buy an older edition)
  • The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha, College Edition. 3rd Augmented edition. 2007. (Again, this is the first time this edition will be used. The changes are sufficient to warrant NOT buying the non-Augmented 3rd edition from 2001.)

15 April 2008

REL262 Intro to Christian Theology - Summer 2008

2 required texts:

Hanson, Bradley. Introduction to Christian Theology. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1997. ISBN: 0800629841

McLaren, Brian D; Campolo, Anthony. Adventures in Missing the Point. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2006, 2003. ISBN: 0310267137 (pbk.) 9780310267133 (pbk.)